Social Interaction

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6. Different kind of open space with social interaction: There are many different kinds of spaces, both rural and urban, public and private that can be good places for interaction. Now we are going to introduce some of the most common of them: • Squares and plazas: In many areas of the world the central square serves as a gathering places for people. In Greece, for instance, families take their evening walk around the square where they exchanging greetings with others. Important squares in cities all over the world, serve as a focus for municipal activity or as a gathering places for residents of those places. In addition Squares and plazas are the equivalent of the Forum in Rome or the Agora in ancient Athens, where citizens came to do business,…show more content…
To be more specific, by Social variables we mean the socio-demographic characteristics of a neighborhood which affect how neighbors interact with others, and how they use shared outdoor spaces. Factors such as respondents' stage in the lifecycle (including age, marital status, and presence of children at home), owner-renter status, length of residence, educational attainment and annual income are relevant socio-demographic characteristics presumably associated with social interaction…show more content…
Comfort, presence of social memories, social interactions and occurrence of certain events can be an example of social space’s feature. You can see two column in this model one is assigned to social features of space and the other one is assigned to physical features. And you can see that social and physical features are connected in parts which represent the equality of them. For example comfort as a social aspect is equal to readability and safety in physical features. In this model readability of space and having an appropriate access to space are among the known physical features which result in social comfort. Also Having a focal space in order to held special events such as Ashura and Tasua , Ehya evening etc. increase the livelihood of social spaces. Social memories as a historical memory of a place which usually accompanied with a special element can enhance the presence of people in a social space. Also social interactions occur in a place which is welcoming the presence of people. Finally one can say that only with the presence of all the above characteristic a social space can be
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