Essay On Swimming Pools

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The swimmers while swim in the swimming pools are not facing identical and constant environment, where they could perform according to their merits. Theses swimmers are facing vague gravitational forces, which becomes advantageous to some and disadvantageous for others depending upon their swimming lane positions in the swimming pool while swimming. This study is based on scientific principles of gravitational physics for the benefit of swimmers world over, so that they could be given equal opportunity while competing in the swimming pools. How to remove theses vague gravitational forces, which affect the swimmers while swimming in the swimming pools? Why to change from ETSP (Existing Type Swimming Pools) to NTSP (New Type Swimming Pools). This study gives the clear ideal to understand these vague…show more content…
The degree of these gravitational forces varies from middle of the swimming pool up to the boundary walls & edges of the swimming pool. The vague & irregular gravitational forces in ETSP (Existing Type Swimming Pools) affect the swimmers accordingly. These vague gravitational forces prove advantageous to some and disadvantageous to other swimmers. The beneath and the sides of the swimming pool are having repulsive and attractive force, which pushes the swimmer towards the edges, boundary walls and underside surface of the ETSP (Existing Type Swimming pool). Between the air and the water there is repulsive force and in the centre of the swimming pool in between the water there is an attractive force. The degree of these forces varies from one point to another point in the ETSP (Existing Type Swimming Pool). A swimmer who swims in the swimming lane near to the boundary walls or edges of the swimming pool will be having enormous gravitational forces upon them, in contrary to the swimmers who swim in the middle of the swimming

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