Women's Role In The Revolutionary War Essay

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Wars mostly cause a destruction but provides freedom at the end. During the revolutionary and civil war in American history, women faced difficulties and crises influenced by the social class, region, race and even religion. But they played their important role and participated during the wars for the sake of freedom from slavery. The revolutionary and civil wars, for most women causes a deep dejection due to the loss of their family members, friends, properties and other circumstances. Subsequently, the war was a victory due to the accretion of opportunities and sources induced by the war for women. Although the social mores of the time did not easily permit female participation in the wars but still womanhood appeared as the rebellion outcome of revolutionary and civil wars in America. The Revolutionary war helped women to shift their positions that they had in the society. Women were not permitted to participate during the war. During the struggle between Crown and colonists, women were completely prohibited as sex to participate during that arena. Women played their limited role in…show more content…
Women also stepped forward to take over occupations and played their roles as doctors and nurses to provide sustenance to wounded soldiers. A union nurse, Cornelia Hancock shared her experience in the letter during her presence in the Army Corps. She said, “The men lie on the ground; their clothes have been cut off them to dress their wounds; they are half naked, having nothing but hard-tack to eat. I was the first women who reached the 2nd Corps after the three days fight at Gettysburg.” In both revolutionary and civil wars, women had to face the destruction of their properties and homes attacked by the military

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