Classless Society In Canada

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SECTION B Middle-class image: Throughout Canadian past, we have evoked a sense of classless society, or at least a unified middle class image. Due to similar status and uniformity of possessions of settlers in the west, Canada has from an early age been seen as this classless society (Porter PAGE). The middle class image is the comfortable lifestyle with 2.5 kids, a detached house, and little financial stress. This pervasive idea that most people in Canada live a pleasant life is generated by the normalization of the middle class. The “White Picket Fence” fantasy has a sense of reality to it, as we are receiving the ideology from somewhere – it is a created image, not just an illusion (Carroll 2018). Constant news produced from the view of…show more content…
Due to enclosure (the conversion of common property into individual property), people no longer has individual subsistence and had sell labour to survive (Carroll 2018). Engels view of political economy is based on production and exchange of subsistence materials (Carroll). To maintain or grow as a society, we must produce the means the reproduce ourselves. These subsist needs such as health care and entertainment have no absolute definition and are historically contextual. Due to capitalists making one work longer than it takes to reproduce labour power, a social surplus is created. It is the job of people in power to decide how the surplus will be distributed (Carroll). Through the use of power and reason, it is decided how the means will be both produced and distributed. First nations for example would use social surplus in celebration such as potlatch while in current society, it is normally used to produce wealth. The decision to distribute produced means is constantly changing. American citizens have power in Canada and Canadians invest in other countries too (trans-capital shares), thus surplus is controlled by capital share owners around the world…show more content…
The Vertical layered hierarchy dimension introduces social theory through class, status, power. The mosaic is strongly heritage based, focusing on factors such as race, ethnicity, language, region, religion and immigration status (Carroll 2018). Society is made up of diverse cultural groups and unfortunately the relationship between one's affiliation with these groups and their class position affects their chance of reaching high power positions (Porter 63). With little to no social mobility, high social inequality and power positions given out not based on merit criteria and talent, ethnic inequality in a huge issue within elite decision-making groups of Canada (Ravelli

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