Pride Quotes In Othello

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Othello is prideful. Othello shows his pride throughout the play. He is proud of his high honorable appearance as a warrior. Once Iago tells Othello about his lie that Desdemona, Othello’s wife, has cheated on Othello, his pride begins to disappear. Othello’s pride does not allow him to see the truth in his wife. Desdemona’s death is then the result of Othello’s pride because he is rushed into judgement. Othello’s pride begins with Barbantio when he finds out that Othello has married his daughter, Desdemona. Iago explains to Othello that Barbantio will try to annul his marriage with Desdemona. But Othello does not find that an issue. He is so sure that what he has done for Venice as being the general shall outweigh anything that Barbantio…show more content…
And, O you mortal engines, whose rude throats The immortal Jove’s dread clamours counterfeit, Farewell! Othello’s occupation’s gone! (3.3. 345-357). Othello is letting his career go since he found out that Desdemona is cheating on him. There is no rule against a man leading his army if his wife was unfaithful but Othello has lost his pride in being an honorable soldier. His honorable pride is no longer there since his wife has gone behind his back showing that he cannot keep control of his wife. He does not feel that he can go on anymore keeping control of an army. She has taken everything away from him that has once made him who he was. Another quote to help support the fact that Othello feels like he cannot go on anymore is based on him feeling in human. “A honored man’s a monster and a beast” (4.1. 60). Othello uses the strong words to have an association with a man being cheated on. By now Othello’s pride is damaged from being told that Desdemona was with Cassio that he doesn’t even feel that he is still human. He is falling apart on himself since his pride is being taken away from him. His speech and this line go together to support the fact that he is too prideful. He is letting go of his army status because of her. He is beginning to feel like he himself is no longer human because of her. He has used his pride to support…show more content…
How his pride is no longer there even though he does not come out and say that right away. He is telling them to speak of him as one who loved too well, meaning he gave her everything to hold onto including his honorable pride and when she went behind his back with Cassio that went with her. Even though this did not happen and Othello found that out he still did not have his pride because he was believing it to be true the whole time. Meaning if he would have listened to his wife and not let his pride get in the way of his judgment Desdemona would still be alive. He is telling them to not say he was jealous, but rather was distracted in the extreme. Being distracted at being told his wife was cheating, when she really wasn’t. Having his pride taken away from him for believing it to be true. With him being distracted in the pride being taken away from him, he threw the “pearl away” meaning gave Desdemona away. Towards the end of his speech he wants to have them remember him as an honorable and prideful person even though those things were taken away from him. He wants them to remember him for killing the Turk that was beating a Venetian. He does not want them to remember him as someone who had lost

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