Inequality In Canada

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Gender inequality and sexism have existed for a long time throughout the world. In schools, jobs, homes and other parts of society, numerous studies have shown the prevalence of unequal treatment and perception of individuals based on their genders. One of the areas of gender discrimination that has been stirring up a lot of media attention recently is politics. With women now starting to advocate for gender equality due in part to third wave feminism, politics is still considered an area where not much progress has been made. Many surprising correlations have also been found in first world or developed countries. Many very highly developed countries with a high quality of life rank surprisingly low on the political gender equality scale. This raises many questions on why this problem is so…show more content…
According to the data collected by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canada ranks 47th in the world in terms of women involvement in parliament, with only about 76 women holding seats in the House of Commons. All together they comprise about 20-25% of Canada's municipal councils, provincial legislatures and the House of Commons. This puts Canada’s ranking below many third world countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. Statistically at the rate that women are being elected, it would take approximately 228 years before women catch up to males. This is despite Canada holding among the highest ratings in the world for Women’s healthcare and education. Despite having a very high population of educated women, many do not pursue a career in politics. Many reasons are debated as to why this occurs but women’s advocacy groups in Canada say that negative stereotypes of women's abilities, media unbalance and sexist perceptions are to blame. Despite this Canada has made international commitments to change it system and to develop its democracy so that both genders receive equal representation in our political

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