Poverty In Canada Research Paper

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The Indigenous families are facing a lot of poverty, According to the PDFC, they are facing poverty above average comparing to other individuals in Canada (*). In general, Poverty may be one of the social policy issues that are affecting a significant amount of Canadian citizens, which needs to be changed. Discrimination or inequality and capitalism are huge factors that cause poverty. The parliament of Canada article mentions some of the debates for the cause; as it is considered a developed country. Despite the decision –making; of some individuals such as deciding not to be employed. There are other significant factors that result to poverty. The parliament of Canada describes some social forces, which include discrimination such as age, gender and social groups that may make individuals face poverty in Canada. As well, political economic factors such as capitalism which may cause poverty because of the way economic system functions; it puts most its dependence on workers with minimum wage which results to” capitalism failure”, or those who are not able to seek full time jobs to support their families and make ends meet because a lot of job competition and low paid part time jobs. This creates the feeling of instability…show more content…
The reputation of Canada is known as a “place of prosperity, opportunity, and equality-a kinder compassionate nation”(New Report Says Canada Falling Behind On Poverty & Inequality; “Not Living Up To Its Potential Or Re, 2013). However, its current situation with increased rate of poverty decreases its “potential”. Being specific, Canada scored below the average in terms of “child poverty, working age poverty and income inequality (New Report Says Canada Falling Behind On Poverty & Inequality; “Not Living Up To Its Potential Or Re, 2013).” This issue is mainly placing an affect on the

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