Social Development In Ancient Egypt

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Human development is expected to begin since 2,500,000 BCE, the era when people fulfill their basic needs by hunting and gathering. They live in caves for shelter. Leaves are used for production. The concept of “basic human needs,” food, clothes and shelter, is initiated since the beginning of the human history. At the era, the concept of “equality” developed, also “gender equality,” as all beings contributes to survival. Although they are mostly nomadic, permanent settlements are established in areas with abundant food resources. The concepts of “communities, social relations and private property” emerged. As living with communities, tasks are carried out with “job specification.” “Irrigation system” also developed as a part of “farming…show more content…
Egypt was mostly ruled and controlled by the Pharaoh. The political structure revolved around the Pharaoh who had absolute power. He governed through family and elected officials, as well as regional commanders. The king owned the land and the people of Egypt served him. Egypt had an extensive bureaucracy which is the structure and set of regulations in place to control activity. Having economic and social viewpoint, the job specializations and social classes in the Mesopotamian civilization are priests, farmers, merchants, craftsmen and many more. In Mesopotamia, the priests and the nobles would be at the top of the social class. Then come the middle class which represents the merchants and traders. At the bottom of the social classes come the lower class which represents slaves, serfs, and peasants. The social structure in Ancient Egypt had smaller nobility and had fewer merchants than Mesopotamia. In the social classes, the priests have a high status because they are the only one who can understand the complex hieroglyphic written language. Women in Egypt have a higher status than women in Mesopotamia. In Egypt, the King was at the top of the social classes, then the ruling class which would be royal families, then the farmers and the merchants, and at the bottom would be the slaves and

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