Ancient History: The Mali Empire

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Given its ancient beginnings and impressive accomplishments, Ancient Egypt has been a main focal point of history, in general and specifically in African history. Yet, there were other very significant, thriving states and empires in Africa too. Among a series of empires in Western Africa, one of the largest Empire’s was the Mali Empire, with its great wealth and international trade. The Mali Empire lasted from about 1230-1600 along the Niger River with trading routes throughout the Sub-Saharan desert. Africa has influenced countless cultures and societies throughout history through the roles of women, prime geographical location of Ancient Egypt and the trade of gold and salt and the impact of music in the Mali Empire. Although Egypt has…show more content…
This is even more evident through the roles of women in society. Throughout much of history the only responsibilities seen for women were to reproduce and serve the desires of men. However, this is not true in Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt treated their women with more respect and equality than any other ancient civilization. It is clearly stated in The Daughters of Isis that, “In theory at least, the men and women within each social class stood as equals in the eyes of the law.” This is shown as women were allowed to do things such as own property and sign contracts, things that in other cultures would be deemed inappropriate for women. In fact, women were allowed to hold places of political power, as there have multiple Egyptian pharaohs who were women. Women were also allowed to work and often worked in agriculture. However, it was also assumed that the man was still the head of the house. This can be directly compared to our society today, as women are theoretically supposed to have equal rights to men, and in many ways they do. There are many women of political power in our society. This is seen in Hilary Clinton, who served as the Secretary of State for the United States and is also a front-runner in this year’s Presidential election. However, similarly to Ancient Egypt, men are generally still considered “the head of the house” and are usually responsible for…show more content…
This is, in part, due to the location and geography that surrounds Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt is located on the Nile River, the largest river in the world, which runs through eleven different countries, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. However, back then it was solely used by the Ancient Egyptians. Being located on the Nile River was an ideal place to build a civilization. Building a civilization next to the Nile is smart because there is a surplus of fertile ground lining the Nile that is perfect for agriculture, which is a necessity and a foundational part of any Ancient civilization. As Joyce Tyldesley states in The Daughters of Isis “The river Nile, flowing north through a narrow strip of cultivated land to branch into separate streams of the Delta, dominated ever aspect of dynastic life, and it would be impossible to gain any insight into the thoughts and deeds of the ancient Egyptians without an understanding of the land in which they lived.” This quote emphasizes the importance of the Nile to the life of the Ancient Egyptians and how to understand their culture; you must also understand their geographical background. The Egyptians grew and traded, wheat, flax and papyrus on the Nile. Not only did the Nile provide fertile ground, but it was also a form of transportation. The Nile was vital

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