Work Life Balance Essay

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Globalization in Indian context is removing the trade barriers, inviting foreign direct investment in different fields of economy and also allowing multinational corporations in India and similarly encouraging Indian companies to enter foreign market. No doubt globalization has resulted into higher growth rate, technological developments, increase in industries, availability of funds, increase in competition and greater employment opportunities. In short after liberalization there has been tremendous growth in labour and capital market. But at the same time a new concept called work life balance has also been evolved due to tremendous job opportunities available and increased expectations from employers across the globe to improve the productivity.…show more content…
The concept of work life balance may differ from person to person. Basically it is a way of life which gives satisfaction/fulfillment to life. It also depends on the priorities given by a person. The concept will differ not only from person to person but also from time to time. A given person will have different set of priorities in life at different times. As a youngster the priorities at work and home is different from a married person and from a person who is married and has a kid. Working life balance is not only a problem with women but also with men. Many a time it is seen that employees’ compromise on their career opportunities especially women to meet family expectations/ requirements. This tendency at times ends up in selecting the wrong job, i.e. job which is not according to their caliber, interest or education qualification. This creates stress or dissatisfaction at work place and if employees takes up tasks which they fit into then they may not be able to keep their family members satisfied. This study was needed to know how and what could be done to achieve a balanced work
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