Davidson's Theory Of Meaning Analysis

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THE CRITICAL ANNOYANCE OF INTERPRETING MEANING Today’s generation is fond of constructing words and expressions that may be interpreted in many ways usually in a more complex manner yet ideally if we try to ask for the meaning of it (expression), it’s meaning is just really simple. As a result, misinterpretations and misunderstandings occur because the utterer means this yet the hearer/ or seer understands it differently. How is this possible? Take a look at your friends statuses in twitter, facebook, tumblr and all other social media websites where everyone expresses their “thoughts” online and to almost everyone (if of course they posted it publicly). What if one of your friends posted something like this: “It is a rainy afternoon. I did…show more content…
If we are to recall Davidson’s theory of meaning by which he argues that the meaning of a sentence is derivable from the meaning of its components (parts), in other words, the explicit statement of meaning a sentence is derivable from the explicit statement of the meaning of its parts. The terms in the sentence already contains the meaning of the (whole) sentence such that (complex) interpretation may be avoided. Ideally, the complexity occurs when the event (expression) appears to be a compounded event when in fact it refers to only one simple event. Even so, we cannot identify its simplicity. The misinterpretations often times happen when we are confronted with an expression that is adverbially modified (or in a form of commas, quotation marks and the like) causing confusion in understanding whether the expression is a simple sentence or not. What we usually do is, the terms in the sentence is extracted and treated differently when in fact it should…show more content…
We tend to over-analyze statements and their meanings which results to vague interpretations which eventually hinders us in understanding and knowing the truth behind the expression. This over-analyzing is caused by being so critical in trying to grasp the meaning of words and the truth behind every expressions resulting to a “critical annoyance”. Critical in a way that we tend to be so concern with the individual meaning of the terms, or we consider many factors as to why the expression was said or done, or the intention of the person, the mood, the place, the context and all that which often times are unnecessary (especially when dealing with a simple expression) because the expression already speaks for

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