National Policy On Older Persons (NPOP)

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National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP), 1999 The Government of India announced a National Policy on Older Persons in January, 1999 to reaffirm its commitment towards building up a safe and secured environment for elderly people. The policy suggests that elderly people are sought to be empowered for fighting the challenges of old age, and empowerment becomes possible only by guarantying them of financial, health, legal, social and psychological security so that the elderly community can survive as fully independent citizens. The NPOP therefore provides a broad framework for inter-sectoral collaboration and cooperation both within the government as well as between government and non-governmental agencies to ensure the elderly people of financial…show more content…
It also lays stress on schools to have programmes on inter-generational bonding. Protection of person and property of elderly persons is another important area on which the NPOP lays considerable stress. The NPOP lays down that the State has to undertake active steps for protecting older persons from elder abuse and other criminal offences as elderly people are a vulnerable class, and highly susceptible to abuse both within and outside the family. Even in civil matters, the elderly are to be protected from fraudulent dealings. The NPOP urges that toll free helpline services for the elderly are to be placed across the country and the Policy also advocates for free legal aid services to be delivered to them. The Policy encouraged the active participation of family as the primary care giver to the elderly and also emphasised that the role of State, in partnership with voluntary organizations, be strengthened and encouraged in matters of welfare and institutional care to the elderly. Also, the State should create infrastructural facilities like day care centers, multi-service citizen centers and ofcourse old age homes for those people…show more content…
The draft of National Policy on Senior Citizens 2011 calls for the setting up of a Special Department catering to the needs of senior citizens, establishment of Directorates of Senior citizens in states/Union Territories, National/State Commission for senior citizens and also a National Council for senior citizens. The draft policy looks forward to providing elderly with income security and therefore encourages employment in income generating activities after super-annuation and also speaks that old-age pension scheme for those living below the poverty line would be expanded to cover all senior citizens. Rates of monthly pension would be increased to Rs. 1000 per person and revised at intervals to prevent its deflation. Extended coverage under the Antyodaya Scheme with emphasis on provision of food at subsidized rates for the benefit of older persons especially the destitute and marginalized sections have also been focussed upon. Provision of health care services at an affordable price is a priority and therefore strengthening of primary health care system to enable it to meet the health care needs of older persons; training and orientation to medical and paramedical personnel in health care of the elderly; assistance to societies for production and distribution of material on geriatric care, provision of separate queues and

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