Women's Role In Society

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Women are the most important pillar of the existence of society. Their role as a homemaker can not be substituted with. With the changing times women have now also proved their mettle in each and every field. Their presence and worth is felt everywhere. Although on the peripheral level it seems that status of women is increasing and is at par with that of men but when analysed deeply it is found that women still face discrimination in this male dominated society be it at home or workplace or at societal levels. Even Though gender discrimination was one of the agendas of research and social activism in many arenas for a number of years now, when it comes to organizational leadership gender inequality has been neglected . Although , when compared…show more content…
Women representation in the workforce, particularly considering the paid work , has gone up worldwide. As stated by International Labor organization report, The economic activity rate climbed from 54% in 1950 to 70% in 2010 especially considering the age group of 24-50. [3] Women’s role in these economic activities varies with country and culture. Economic participation of women in few of the countries is mentioned below: - Saudi Arabia : Very less freedom is given to women. They are restricted to move around, drive , travel alone abroad or stay in a hotel alone etc, thus making it difficult to work for them. - Japan : Careers of women are short-spanned with lesser progressions as they prefer quitting the job post marriage. - The US : Although women have a considerable participation in business in the US but they presence at the senior managerial role is still a topic of concern. - Canada : Women are majorly working as nurses and secretaries whereas men majorly work as firefighters, constructors and…show more content…
With the advent of IT sector , women participation is consistently increasing in this sector also but mainly upto the middle level management. o Women represent a considerable number in clerical and secretarial occupations but are under-represented when it comes to administrative and managerial jobs [3] o Personal service occupations like maids, ayahs, launderers, hairdressers and housekeepers have over-representation of women in all BRICS nations [3] o The increasing participation of women in non-agricultural work force has helped to decrease the ‘occupational segregation by sex’. Stusies have shown a huge falls in this ratio in the BRICS nations in the past decade. o As the new services have given a premium to education in formal form and technical training, educated urban females have been benefitting from this expansion of

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