Skidmore Stereotypes

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At Skidmore there are many different groups of people and those specific groups have their own set of norms. One of the norms that is known across campus is the separation in the dining hall. It is known that the athletes sit on the blue side and the rest of the school sits on the red side. This is not necessarily a rule, but a stereotype that the students maintain, which has led to it becoming a norm. As an athlete who always sits on the blue side, I decided to sit on the red side to see how different it would be. When my team decides where to sit for dinner, we usually walk straight into the blue side and never go to the red side. There are always other sports teams that we know and can point out which table is for which sports team. There are also faces that you know because you always sit there. When I went to lunch with my friends who are also on my…show more content…
At first they were confused and questioned why I was sitting on the red side. They even said to me that we were supposed to be on the blue side. I had to tell them that there were no more tables available on the blue side. I thought it was funny because there is no difference between the two sides besides the stereotype that has been placed there. My friends were reluctant to sit with me and I could tell that they felt uncomfortable because it isn’t the norm. I eventually got them to sit with me. Convincing my friends to sit with me wasn’t even the hard part. What was hard and a little strange was actually sitting on the red side with all these people around me that I really didn’t know. I never knew how many people I didn’t know until I thought about where I had been sitting. The athletes at Skidmore take up less than 10% of the body. That
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