Similarity In Governments Before And After The American Revolution

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The American Revolution provided other nations with hope in achieving their own independence, however, the stability of trading relations and similarity in governments did not resemble a true revolution. The identical aspects before the war and after the war do not match the changes generally associated with a revolution. First, a prominent result of the war that negates the idea that the American war was a revolution is seen in the similarity in governments. The legislatures used by the colonies after the war are identical to the British legislatures that were in use before the revolution. For example, American legislatures continued to adopt habeas corpus, a British law, in their constitutions. Additionally, Americans also used the concepts of British philosophers such as in the Declaration of Independence where Thomas Jefferson reiterates the idea of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” adopted from John Locke. Also, Americans designed their government identical to the British government. In fact,…show more content…
The two countries continued to have trade relations between each other through a treaty signed with Richard Oswald. Something that did change was that America was no longer restricted to trading only with Britain, but also established an alliance with France and would also set up further relations later. Additionally, Britain and America became allies through the terms discussed in the truce they conceived together. First, Britain agreed that America would be identified as its own separate nation, and Britain also agreed to not attack and withdraw their troops. Something that did not change from these agreements prior to the war was the separation between the two countries. Before the war, America was nearly its own country already due to the precedent of salutary neglect set up by Britain and after the war they were independent

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