Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Case Study

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Failed establishment: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Campaign versus The Confederates I. Introduction In the middle of 19th century, the Qing Dynasty was challenged by the new formed “Kingdom” called Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and, at the same time, in U.S. continent, the Union was in the same situation, threating by the Confederate. Though both have failed in the end, these two highlighted events in both China and U.S. history were being compared and contrasted in the aspects of their origins, failures, and consequences times by times. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was an uprising created by the peasant in the late Qing Dynasty, and it is also the largest peasant war in the history of the Qing Dynasty. After the First Anglo-Chinese War, the Qing government kept extorting people to pay war reparations, and the serious corruption of the tyrannical government and heavy exploitation to the civilians resulted in the intensification of class contradictions. Unbearable from the suffering, they finally constructed the civilians uprising. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom took Jiangning in the spring of 1853. At March 29, Hong Xiuquan the leader…show more content…
The Union, under Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward worked to block this, and threatened war if any country officially recognized the existence of the Confederate States of America. The Confederates assumed that European countries were so dependent on "King Cotton" that they would intervene, but none of them did and recognized the new Confederate States of America. Worse, Europe developed other cotton suppliers, which they found superior, blocking the South's recovery after the war. Furthermore, after the claim which they are for the justice by the Union, it’s unlikely for the other country to challenge them

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