Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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The theme of commitment is presented and expressed in different ways through Romeo and Juliet, Valentine and The Sun Rising. The way this theme is shown has been influenced by the writers own experiences which had built their strong and diverse opinion. APPEARANCE Throughout Romeo and Juliet both characters have a clear physical attraction between each other’s appearance. Romeo shows a keen interest in Juliet’s appearance in act 1 scene 5, “Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” This shows that Romeo finds Juliet extremely beautiful. In the previous scene Romeo consistently speaks within metaphors to describe and exaggerate his upset towards Rosaline’s rejection. Therefore, his speech…show more content…
In act 2 scene 3 Romeo explains to Friar Lawrence his feeling towards Rosaline “with Rosaline, my ghostly father? No I have forgot that name, and that name’s woe” This makes the audience think that Romeo never had interest in Rosaline despite of his convincing love for her in act 1. The careless word “forgot” presents Romeo as two faced and deceiving. Throughout the play we hear Romeo express love for Juliet’s beauty, “Beauty too rich for use” however this attitude reflects feeling for Rosaline, “Oh, she is rich in beauty.” The audience has no reason to doubt Romeo’s supposed commitment to Juliet. The only consistency within Romeo’s character is that he is in love with the notation of being in love. A strong argument is that Juliet is more special than Rosaline and this caused Romeo to be undeniably attracted to Juliet, but Romeo states the same interest in beauty for both characters. Juliet also follows the notation of being in love. The notation of commitment in the Shakespearian era included love, marriage and sex. Therefore Juliet makes this true to her relationship to Romeo “Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow.” Juliet shows an interest in getting married the next day “send me word tomorrow.” Their relationship becomes very fast paced because the want to complete the notion of a commitment relationship. The…show more content…
Both Romeo and Juliet are egger to have sex after their wedding night. Romeo planned their wedding night together the same time as he arranged their wedding. This puts marriage and sex on the same level which ridicules the importance of marriage and the commitment it shows. “And stay, good nurse, behind the abbey wall. Within this hour my man shall be with thee. And bring thee cords made like a tackled stair. Which to the high top gallant of my joy. Must be my convoy in the secret night.” Juliet is excited to lose her virginity, “love performing night” and both characters rushed into this milestone. Romeo could also rush having sex with Juliet because he is embarrassed that she is still a virgin because Romeo stated an opinion on virginity, “she hath, and in sparing makes huge waste” towards Rosaline. In act 2 scene 2, Romeo said “her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it: cast it off.” These quotes show that Romeo is clearly interested in a woman who is willing to have sex with him and not keep her virginity. If Juliet wanted to keep her virginity Romeo may have not wanted to be with Juliet any longer, this shows no commitment to the relationship but to the act of sex. Although, Romeo still ‘loved’ Rosaline although she did want to lose her virginity so perhaps sex is important to Romeo but he is committed to the relationship more. Shakespeare presented acceptable views
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