The Economist's Rhetorical Analysis: In Need Of Help

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Rhetorical Analysis: In Need of Help The Economist is a newspaper company that was established in 1843. Today over 1.4 million copies of this newspaper is in circulation across Britain and the United States. In The Economist’s article “In Need of Help” they attempt to bring to the audience’s attention how poverty is a constant issue in America and is often disregarded. According to The Economist, “The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity, and predictability” (par 7). It also states, referring to itself, that “it has also endorsed Harold Wilson and Bill Clinton, and espoused a variety of liberal causes” (par 7). Due to this and their extreme liberal views in The Economist’s online article “In Need of Help”, regarding…show more content…
Hamilton’s in a clever way. We, as the reader, are introduced to Ms. Dunham as Ms. Hamilton’s nurse (par 3). Ms. Dunham, unlike Ms. Hamilton, has a husband. However, due to his sporadic seizures and prison record he is unable to work, leaving Ms. Dunham alone to support him and their 3 children (par 4). Along with her nursing job she works at a fast food restaurant at night, according to the Economist this is still not enough to afford a car or pay off a small loan (par 3-5). This again appeals to the emotional side of the reader, causing the audience to feel bad for the over-working…show more content…
“The number of poor people living in the suburbs grew 53% between 2000 and 2010” (par 13). That meant that by 2008 more than 1/3 of poor people in America lived in the suburbs (par 13). The Economist also shares that “Mr Obama’s second-term plan mentioned poverty once” (par 8). These examples of logos assists to support The Economist’s argument that poverty is a major and growing issue, and also shows how America’s leaders pay little attention to the issue. The Economist’s use of continuous logos helps establish their credibility. They quote Isabel Sawhill, whom is a poverty scholar at Brookings Institution, which shows ethos. The quote states “a bifurcation in children’s life prospects that threatens to divide the US into a society of haves and have-nots”, In other words the lifestyle a child lives is majorly affected by if they were born into poverty and whether their parents are married or not. The author is showing to the reader through logos that poverty is a cycle, being poor makes you less likely to marry, and being a kid growing up in a household that is poor or with unmarried parents makes the child more likely to be a poor adult. Also by quoting a reliable source from someone who specializes in poverty increases The Economist’s credibility. This again enhances The Economist’s

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