Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Juliet’s Last Words: Verse 1: You and me Will always be A perfect story We took a chance it was a risk Our love is stronger than that People got mad Trouble outspread it was so tragic I went behind their backs No reason to end this I love you so much I can’t help it Chorus: Romeo your touch Makes me grow more and more in love I’m hypnotized by your eyes You put me on cloud nine Even though it’s been denied Let’s put the world all behind, us Verse 2: Tried to make peace Didn’t go that way Said you didn’t want to fight, they disobeyed Ones drew their sword power and gore The innocent died from the might roar You ran away with blood on your hands Your life is what she demands Through the streets I heard to me the end was near No reason to…show more content…
In the first verse Juliet is saying that Romeo and she ‘will always be a perfect story’ in other words no matter where they are their love was real and it was something that was dear to her heart. Furthermore, in the first verse, she said that they tried to take a chance at true love but it was forbidden because Romeo was a pauper and Juliet was royalty. And as we all know royalty and poor didn’t mix in the old days. Many people were against their love and that caused problems not only with Romeo and Juliet but with other too. Juliet went behind her mother’s back and everyone’s backs just to be with Romeo and she couldn’t help it. The chorus is the easiest part of the song to explain: Every time they see each other she falls more and more in love, his eyes hypnotized her, being in love with him put her on cloud nine even though people try to separate them, and she wants to forget about everyone who is against their love and just be with Romeo the rest of her…show more content…
The man that Romeo was trying to make peace with and another guy (I forgot his name to) started to fight. The man that was on Romeo’s side was killed by the other man and blood was all over Romeo’s hand, and he told Romeo to run away. Lady Montague thinks that demands Romeo’s life because she thought Romeo was a criminal. Juliet heard about it and thought that Romeo was the one that died and that broke her heart or like the second verse says ‘to me the end was near, no reason to live if you’re not really here.’ Juliet now learns that Romeo is not dead and she knows that men are after him to kill him and they don’t care how that will break Juliet in half. Even though she wasn’t married to Romeo she stayed loyal to him and of course she loved him. That’s why she didn’t get married to that other guy (I forgot his name as
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