Should Women Be Allowed In The Military

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Is the Idea of women in combat positions that hard to swallow? The debate of women in combat position has been a heated controversial debate for years; With the final decision is due from the Pentagon on whether or not to open all combat jobs to female service members or keep some male only orientated. Before the decision can be made, there are questions that need to be answered, are due women physically and mental capabilities to be able to handle the duties that come with these positions? And if so, are women at the same standards of their male counterpart? Women have been serving in combat zones for a long time as nurses and in supportive roles, even though they were not officially part of the military until WWI. Women held positions like clerks and secretaries, some even being assigned to be translators, recruiters and other tasks normally assigned to men. Women were not given rank or benefits and when the war was over they were not allowed to remain in the military. During WWII more than 350,000 women served in our military.(history.com2010) The government encouraged recruitment and the Women's Army Auxiliary Corp (WAAC), the…show more content…
It’s because women are being held to the same standards as men, and they are proving that that are not physically up to par at this point. Studies show that the personnel surveyed there were major misconceptions within the special operation of allowing women into the male only positions. Dan Bland Force Management Director for US Special Operations Command said the survey results have “already driven us to do some different thing in terms of educating the force”(Baldor) A lot of the concerns are not limited to just men, some women have great concerns also.The Army is approaching the subject as “How are we going to do this; instead of the Marines should we do this?” Even though each

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