Juvenile Court System: Article Analysis

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Just as adrenaline had once rushed through your body, as you committed crimes worthy of countless years in jail. Fear begins to consume the heart that once pumped pure and fiery blood. Then, you hear the most dreadful statement known to every child, who had once stood in your place in an adult court—you’re guilty. Even though adult court systems can teach young criminals the true consequences of their actions better than juvenile facilities, juvenile facilities positively impact their lives by providing them with safety, giving them more attention through the use of various rehabilitation methods, and deterring children from crime. Within the court system, there lie two divisions—the adult court system and the juvenile court system. The youth…show more content…
In comparison, Gorski states in his article “Trying Juveniles as Adults,” that adult prisons “subject youth to [several forms of] cruelty[,]… often resulting in severe emotional damage, permanent psychiatric symptoms, and suicide attempts.” Within his article, Gorski explains that children face these dangerous situations “within [the first] seventy-two hours of admission to adult correctional facilities… [where] such abuse will continue to occur on a regular basis” harming the children significantly, which leads to a life of mental instability—making them “more dangerous, not less”. This way the child has no way to recover, let alone learn a lesson from their crimes. However, within juvenile facilities these problems are minuscule and do not happen often, making youth detention centers statistically better for kids and their bright futures (Gorski, “Trying Juveniles as…show more content…
Juvenile court systems employ probation methods, and once the demands “are not met, the delinquent may be placed in an institution” (“Delinquency”). Within this article, Britannica describes the number one way the court systems chose to handle delinquents, which describes the juvenile court system and its punishments. In contrast to how minors placed in the adult court system “learn social rules and norms that legitimate domination, exploitation, and retaliation from the surrounding adult criminals” (Pagnanelli, “Transferring Juveniles”). This form of education promotes juveniles to believe that the court system and society uses and denounces them, which often prompts recidivism “by severely obstructing the convicted juvenile's future educational, employment, and social opportunities” (Pagnanelli, “Transferring Juveniles”). Thus, proving that sending minors into adult court systems teaches the child a lesson, however, it is a lesson on how to commit more crimes unlike the beneficial teachings of responsibility in juvenile

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