Romeo And Juliet Decisions

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The story of Romeo and Juliet has six deaths in one week. It was written by Shakespeare and it is a tragedy for the star crossed lovers. The story is of woe and a feud between two families and haste decisions that will bring the end to the two young lovers. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet are caused by no one else besides their actions and illogical thinking. The actions and thoughts of Romeo and Juliet are to blame for their deaths. In the beginning of the play Romeo is acting depressed because of Rosaline which could lead towards him overreacting in the future. Juliet talks of killing herself when her father told her that she had to marry Paris. She said “make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies” (3.5.228-229).…show more content…
Romeo and Juliet make a quick decision to get married even though they just met. Them making stupid decisions and moving too quickly could lead to stupid haste decisions. Their deaths are caused by their actions but their illogical thinking are to blame as well. Romeo and Juliet’s quick, illogical thinking leads to bad decisions in the story. Romeo quickly acts without thinking when he chases after Tybalt in which he kills him. If he would have thought before he acted he wouldn't have killed him and he wouldn't have been banished. When Romeo hears the news of Juliet’s death instead of finding the truth he runs to go to an apothecary for a deadly drug. If Romeo would have thought logically he might have found out the plan from the friar. Juliet thinks too quickly when Romeo is banished and turns to Friar Laurence for a plan and if he didn't propose one she said she'd kill herself. If she would have thought logically and thought before she acted she could've saved lives and changed the tragic deaths of the story. Their illogical thinking brought about bad decisions which had catastrophic results on the story. Not all people think that it is themselves to…show more content…
that point summarizes the families part in the book. The family doesn’t threaten Romeo and Juliet it just makes it harder for them to see each other but the teenage couple overreacts to the decision to keep them apart. In an essay by Douglas Dupler he mentions the families actions towards the two protagonists. This quote is from one of his essays which he explains Capulet’s feelings towards his daughter Juliet. “He threatens to exile her to the streets, calling her “unworthy,” “a curse,” and a “disobedient wretch.” (Dupler 3) The reason he is calling her these names is not because of such a bad daughter she is, but from exhaustion of everything that is happening. He doesn't really hate her, he is just disciplining his daughter which fathers should do and yet she overreacts. The family feud is a problem that could be handled much better. Romeo and Juliet didn't act with logical thinking which led to their deaths. Their actions and illogical thinking led to their untimely deaths. Someone could try to blame the family feud between the two families but that is ultimately incorrect because Romeo and Juliet
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