Who Is Beowulf An Epic Hero

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The Son, from book 3 of Paradise Lost, and Beowulf, from Beowulf are two epic heroes whose similarities are revealed in their respective works. Seeing as “Beowulf was composed sometime between the sixth- and seventh-century” it authenticates the time period of the culture’s “conversion of the English to Christianity” (Niles 144). Through this transition of Pagan tradition to Christianity, Beowulf is clearly presented as an epic heroic warrior. In contrast, The Son, in Paradise Lost, evidently is not depicted as a warrior, and yet, his character is significant in his reputation as a hero in relation to Beowulf. In order to provide a more thorough explanation of the importance found within the similarities of the two heroes, this paper will begin…show more content…
Beowulf is forewarned about a “grim spirit… Grendel,” whom “the Creator had condemned” (I. 102-106). Similarly, the Son is informed by God of the fallen angel, Satan, whom fell from Heaven into the depths of Hell. God warns The Son of Satan’s intentions, and capabilities: “by force he can destroy, or, worse” (III.91). Beowulf, and The Son are fully aware of the power in which evil holds, and yet the two heroes are willing to sacrifice themselves to overcome this evil power despite the dangerous warnings in which they…show more content…
. Beowulf is known to the people of his land as a man “whom God sent” (Beowulf, I. 13). The Son, in relation, is willing to become mortal in order to redeem His Father’s creation as he states, “Behold Me then: Me for him, life for life” (III. 236-238). As a result of the two heroes initial willingness to serve, they both receive rightfully earned blessings. For Beowulf, he receives his blessing from a coast-warden, who states: “[may] The almighty Father/ guard you in his grace” (IV. 316-317). Although the blessing does not come from God directly as evident in the text, the blessing runs in alignment to God’s blessing directed to The Son. The Son receives his blessing from the mouth of God, as he declares providence upon The Son’s return: “all power/I give Thee” (III. 317). While comparing The Son’s blessing to Beowulf’s, of course The Son’s blessing is essentially more direct--thus proving him to be more Christ-like--rather than Beowulf’s blessing because of it’s heavenly-authoritative

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