Short Story: A Girl Living Only For The Future

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Everyone always rushes towards the future. We can't just stop, appreciate the present moment and enjoy what we have right now. We think, that the future will be better, that we'll be happier because our dream will magically come true. If the life is bad now, just be patient, it will definitely get better in the future, right? But what if someone or something takes our future away? What if there's a girl living only for the future, but something has taken the future from her? She's laying in a hospital bed. Another sleepless, painful night. But that's nothing special. Moonlight makes her incredibly pale skin look even more pale and sick. She used to love nights like this. She could stay awake all night, enjoying the fresh air, watching the moon and looking for the constellation. But now, the moonlight, she used to love so much is just another annoying light that makes her head hurt so much. Her body is twisting in agony, the pain is almost unbearable. Yet she finds…show more content…
Because of her illness, she wasn't able to graduate and the white hospital walls are the only thing that she'll be able to see for the rest of her short life. She can't move without help and even the slightest sounds makes her wince in pain. She'll never marry him. The only white dress she can wear now is the hospital one. Her lips are too chapped, too dry. She can't stand proper food now. Everything that goes to her stomach ends in toilet few hours later. She'll never have children. She won't be able to experience the joy of being a mother. She lost her long, brown hair a long time ago, red cheeks lost their color, smile was replaced by painful frown. She's just a breathing corpse. She doesn't look like a human anymore, more like a ghost of someone, who used to be a human being. If there's one thing she's absolutely sure about, it's the fact, that no matter how beautiful her goals for the next 10 years were, she won't be able to stay alive. In 10 years, she'll be

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