The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Fission

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ABSTRACT: This paper aims at exploring the scientific phenomenon of nuclear fission, and also the practical purposes of it, along with the concomitant hazards or risks. The paper has been largely divided into two parts. The first one explains the scientific nature of it, supported by the meticulous arguments of scientists working in this field.The second part describes the darker part of it, speaking about the diseases and the maladies caused by it, especially the genetic mutations. The quotidian applications of nuclear fission, as well as, the higher applications of it, at a research level have been discussed. Nuclear fission is one discovery that has had a tremendous impact in all fields to an equal extent, right from recreating the…show more content…
It is derived from the Latin word “nucleus” which means “kernel”. To understand why it was called so, one has to study the structure of the atom. Atoms are made of protons electrons and neutrons. Of these, the neutrons and protons form the center, of the kernel of the atom, and the electrons are arranged in the shells around this. As these sub atomic particles are held very closely, the force of attraction between them is very great. Fission is a form of nuclear transmutation because the resulting fragments are not the same element as the original atom. Any reaction which involves the nucleus of the atom is a nuclear reaction. “Fission” means division or splitting into two or more parts. Hence nuclear fission literally means “splitting of the nucleus”. Ernest Rutherford was able to accomplish transmutation of nitrogen into oxygen at the University of Manchester in 1917. This is the first recorded instance of a nuclear reaction. Since then, we have come a long way. Nuclear fission can be of two types: 1. Nuclear reaction due to bombarding of particles. 2. Nuclear fission due to radioactive decay. Nuclear reaction due to bombarding of

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