Lennie Smalls Syntax

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The necessary, yet uncalled for death of Lennie Smalls was a creative but yet a predictable outcome of the end of the novel (foreshadowing). Just before Lennie was murdered he was discussing how he and his travelling companion George were going to live the ‘American Dream’ (Them owning a large amount of land with a farm and animals with the income of money from the farming). Lennie had no clue at all about what was just about to make a life changing moment, Lennie, the fair-minded character, is portrayed to trust George with his life, sadly George made that life changing decision by putting a bullet through his skull. At this part of the novel its eye opening how what Lennie and George would do for each other, even though George did kill him,…show more content…
‘I knowed it’ ‘knowed’ isn’t a real word, its not just him in this novel the whole of the cast interacts in this way with each other. His sentences are generally short a mixed style between simple or compound sentences. He’s a quit character in which I mean he is one of the main characters if not the main character compared to George but he very rarely speaks more than two or three lines in this novel, to prove my point a quote in from the text ‘that’s it-that’s it. Now tell how it is with us.’ He’s shy, my impression is that George puts his confidence down by telling him to stay quiet when they went to the ranch to get there future and Lennie’s last job he’d ever had. George- ‘what you gonna say tomorrow when the boss asks you question?’ Lennie ‘I… I ain’t gonna… say a word.’ This also shows that George controls Lennie, this shows zoomorphism in the two…show more content…
Steinbeck uses Lennie as a backbone to the plot because every time there is something fascinating going on Lennie is always there or he has caused something bad to happen. Lennie actions are always being used for foreshadowing the next big event “jus’ a dead mouse” this discussion of the dead in only the first couple pages of the book is defiantly a big significance through out the whole of the book. His stroking fetish is a big significance in a way that every time he strokes something it gets him in trouble, like the girl in the red dress from weed he stroked that and ripped it and got accused for “rape”. Out of all the times he has caused trouble for him and George he is always more worried about him not tending the rabbits, the significance in this is that after he killed a mouse, girl and a dog he is not thinking about how much trouble he is going to get into with the fellow ranchers, he is more bothered about him “tending the rabbits” Steinbeck is portraying Lennie to have a child’s mind and a adults

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