Sex Offender Registration Act

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The sex offender registry is a social policy that has been put into place to address the social problem of sex offending. Juveniles, like adults, commit sexual offenses and are therefore subject to the registration practices like adults. The sex offender registry is the first title of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Juvenile Law Center, 2013). The first title of this act that requires sex offenders to register is called the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act or SORNA (Juvenile Law Center, 2013). The goal of the sex offender registry is to increase public safety by requiring offenders who have committed sex crimes to notify the people in their communities of their offense (Department of Justice, n.d.). SORNA…show more content…
SORNA extends the sex offender registry to cover all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the principal U.S. territories and the Indian tribes that are federally recognized (Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking SMART, n.d.). SORNA also includes a larger range of sex offenses that require registration and requires offenders to provide more extensive registration information (SMART, n.d.). This law also widens the amount of information that is required from each offender and requires that the offenders make periodic face-to-face visits to update and verify their current registration…show more content…
A tier one offense requires the offender to register for a minimum of 15 years on the sex offender registry (SMART, n.d.). A tier one offense is typically a first time offense. A tier two offense requires a minimum of 25 years on the sex offender registry (SMART, n.d.). Tier two is assigned to an offender if he or she has been sentenced of a sexual crime previously (SMART, n.d.). A tier three offense requires the offender to register for life on the sex offender registry (SMART, n.d.). A tier three status is given to an offender if their offense is punishable by more than one year of jail time (SMART,

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