Serial Killer Development

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Is the development of serial killers more biologically predisposed or influenced by the environment? The brain is a curious thing. It functions in many ways and if one part gets damaged horrible consequences can occur, like becoming a serial killer. The brain inside a serial killer can sometimes be hard to understand but scientists have studied several brains and have come to a conclusion as to why some killers act the way they do. The brain plays a significant roll in the development of sociopaths possibly becoming serial killers. Brain injuries can be crucial to the development of killers but a person can also naturally acquire the characteristics by being born with the defects. The behavior of serial killers can be noticed by the body language…show more content…
There are certain characteristics that these people acquire. The way they act and relate with their surroundings can be considered as “symptoms” of becoming or being a serial killer. Genetic make up and childhood experiences are the two main factors that play a part in the creation of these murders. Even if genes and DNA match up to sociopaths, most people with the same qualities will not become murders without some form of abuse in their childhood (Hagerty). How children are raised can effect if someone becomes a serial killer or not. Most men serial killers start to show signs of homicidal tendencies during puberty ("The Brain of a Serial Killer"). Some of the tendencies of serial killers are we recognize them as one. The stare of a psychopath has been described as cold or emotionless much like a reptile which is missing some of the limbic brain part of the brain (Scott). A serial killer is classified as a person who kills 3 or more people in 3 different events with time to relax in between ("The Brain of a Serial Killer"). They are motivated to kill by attaining money, the thrill, to feel power, and to eliminate the evildoers from the world ("The Brain of a Serial Killer"). Most killers kill during a time of stress and feel great relief after the murder is done ("The Brain of a Serial Killer"). Some common symptoms of serial killers are low resting heart rates, amygdala abnormalities, and asymmetric hippocampi and reduced prefrontal gray matter (Pemment). "People with severe forms of conduct disorder could be seen as having a brain development disorder, rather than just being evil, if the parts of your brain involved in feeling guilt or empathy are damaged, and then there is an issue of diminished responsibility. It is too early to use this in the courts, but we have to ask if they are truly to blame for their

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