Person-Centred Therapy

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Introduction There are a number of therapeutic theories used within social care practice in order to assist a service user. Each is unique in terms of methods of intervention and approaches that may be used. For the purpose of this assignment, Cognitive behavioural therapy and person-centred therapy will be discussed throughout. CBT enables people to become aware of the behaviours, and beliefs that affect them while the goal of Person-Centred therapy is to enable to person to explore their own well being Person Centred Therapy Definition Person centred therapy was a humanistic personality theory originated by Carl Rodgers in the 1940s. Person centred therapy full respects the service users right to determine their path in life. It makes no…show more content…
This is being true to who we are. According to Roger (1951) this is distinctive and cannot be learnt. He suggests that this concept is where the actualising tendency exists. Our other ‘self’ according to Rodgers, is learnt through others throughout our lives. e.g. messages received from parents, interactions within relationships. Person centred therapy suggests that self-worth exists when we experience unconditional positive regard from the other people, compared to an unhealthy self-concept when one is affected by people’s opinions. Denial often comes into play when it comes to the conditions of worth. A service user may experience psychological distress if there is an imbalance between the organismic self and self-concept i.e. incongruence. When one questions there worth they may experience fear, depression and/or anxiety. Therapeutic theories such a person centred therapy aim to promote the self-actualization in the service user. The therapist enables the service user to control and direct the therapy process with the presence of the actualizing tendency. Therefore in a way, there are no particular interventions from therapist.…show more content…
I liked how experiential group was structured each week; I felt it was consistent as the group was interactive and would always offer feedback to one another. During our opening and closing sessions each week I was vividly able to catch my own automatic negative thinking. This is simply because of the fact that positive thinking was welcomed to group by members each week. For example in my reflective diary I wrote ‘when doing the opening today I realised how negative the majority of the group was reflecting on last week... it wasn’t until ‘X’ started talking so positively about her week that I realised how negative I was and didn’t think to remember the actual good things that happened’ As the weeks went on I began to turn the tables on this automatic negative thinking gradually. For example, I often spoke of procrastination habits which I now realise are because of worries and fears. It is clear that I had a low level of self-efficacy as I consistently talked about avoiding difficult tasks and dwelled on the obstacles. Also I felt the facilitator of group this year was genuine and non-judgemental throughout which was a huge aid. As well as that, social persuasion from group members and seeing them succeed despite failures, reminded me that I too have the capabilities to do so. Also one group experiential session consisted of

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