Importance Of Self Study

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4. Findings and discussions 4.1. The self - study issue of K37 foreign languages students at Da Lat University in general. After doing the study by asking 120 K37 English major at Da Lat University, a spreadsheet was settled to analyze clearly. Interestingly, although being the senior, there are 75 students (71.4%) said that they are using the method study by themselves, and 30 students (28.6%) have never experience self – study. About the time spent for this activity. The detail is shown in the chart below. Figure 1: The number of hours that K37 English major students spent for self -study. It is clear from the chart that today, most of K37 English major students at Da Lat University just spend less than 2 hours for studying by themselves…show more content…
In conclusion, most of participants spend their time to study by themselves because they think it is very useful as a way to add more knowledge. Besides, there are still a small of quantity number of students doesn’t care anything about learning or just study because the marks at school. 4.2. The difficult in self – study of K37 English major students at Da Lat University. According to the data collection, the author of the research found that most of participants think that discuss in group seems to be a good way to review knowledge but they don’t often exchange idea with lectures or friends. In detail, 32 participants (30.5%) agree it is good to exchange idea with the lectures or friends but 73 participants (69.5%) said no. There are 63 students (60%) find that discuss in group is a good way to review what students learnt and 42 students (40%) told in an opposite way. It is flagrant that the data of applying these skills in reality between excellent students and good students are different as shown in the pie charts…show more content…
(based on the data of 37 excellent students) Figure 4: The using of each skill for self – study. (based on the data of 68 good students) As I noticed above, productive skill includes all of thing you send your information and receptive skill is what you receive. In general, people cannot product 100% of what they gather so 56.2% believes that receptive skill is more important than 43.8% from productive skill. In other words, it is easier to receive than product. A student can learn a lot, but what he performances is just a part in his huge of knowledge. On the other hand, because of totally acquiesce in often using productive skill such as speaking and writing more than receptive skill such as reading and listening, the majority in both excellent students group and good students group choose these “sending information skill” as a decision. This existence might depend on the participant’s way of learning. The main method of learning a foreign language is making conversation so that reading and listening is practiced less than the other one. Moreover, one more thing prevents the success of self – study comes from the lose concentration on learning. Frequency Excellent students Good

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