Second Language Acquisition Assignment

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Second Language Acquisition Ana María Mateos Bermejo Index Introduction 1 Second Language Acquisition 2 Age 2 Characteristics of the learner: Mindset (aptitude), ZPD and scaffolding. 3 Characteristics of the learner: learning categories 5 Environment 6 Conclusion 7 Bibliography 7 Introduction Second language learning may be very different from one user to another. There is a fact that researchers have been bearing in mind in every research and this is the one of age. As it have been said, it depends on users the way they learn, and also on their age. According to many researchers, age is a key point in the issue of a language acquisition. Another important facts are the environment and the potential of each student. It is never the same…show more content…
The term was coined by a psychologist called Carol Dweck. Mindset makes reference to your belief about mental ability. It is said to be two different mindsets: - Fixed mindset – ability cannot change. In fixed mindset, “people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits”. People have a given level of intelligence, and it can’t be changed. Hide your mistakes and conceal deficiencies. - Growth mindset – ability can change. In growth mindset “people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work- brains and talents are just the starting points”. People can develop their intelligence. The brain is like a muscle that can be exercised and strengthened. Confront your deficiencies and capitalize on mistakes. Why and how mindset does affects learning? Depending on the mindset of the learner, language is acquired one way or another. For example, if you praise a gifted child, he or she may become lazy and may not work as hard as before. It is better, then, to praise the effort people make to learn and to keep learning so that growth mindset can take place. Students may learn growth mindset, and lessons may require effort and challenge. Effort is seen as something positive in growth…show more content…
It is not the same to be, from childhood, bilingual because of your parents; to live for a period of time, in a country in which the second language is spoken as the mother tongue, - and it depends also on the time a person spends there; or if the student is studying a second language in a non-native environment. Also, it depends, as said above, on the way the student is treated in the classroom environment. If a student is praised and never encouraged to continue studying, he or she would become lazy and would never improve. Nevertheless, if encouraged, any learner may become better. Students are not passive agents in the classroom. Everything in the classroom is an important environmental agent in student’s life. Student’s abilities can be also developed through the environment. Maps, images, diagrams, posters, the use of ICTs, school supplies or even the textbook… everything is useful for students to develop other skills rather than memory for itself. Association is a key skill to develop and it can be developed through the classroom environment. Also, the atmosphere at home is important to develop learning. A good environment at home is essential so that students get at their

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