Science Fair Project

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My Science Fair Project is on how much iodide is in different types of salts. To begin iodide is a salt of hydriotic acid consisting of two elements one of which is iodide (1). I am going to be testing different types of salts, so I will so over all the types I will use. To begin I am going to be using table salt, table salt is very common, and it is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride which is a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts (2).The word salary comes from the Latin word for salt because the Roman Legions where paid in salt, which was quite literally worth its weight in gold (3). Salt is an essential to the health of people and animals and is used universally as a seasoning. It is used in cooking, is added to Manu- factured foodstuffs and is also present at the table for meal times for individuals to sprinkle on their own food. Saltiness is one of the five basic taste sensations. The manufacture of salt is one of the oldest chemical industries. A major source of salt…show more content…
It is sodium chloride, as is table salt, but unlike most brands of table salt, it does not contain iodine or any anti caking products added. A widely circulated legend suggested that iodization cause the bine of pickles to change color. This is false, however some anti-caking agents are known to collect at the bottom of the jars, a minor aesthetic issue (3).Pickling salt is very fine-grained, to speed up dissolving in water to create brine (3), so it is useful for solutions needing salt. Pickling salt can be used for other things other than pickling. It can be used in place of table salt, although it can cake. A solution to this would be to add a few grains of rice to the salt, or bake it (this draws the moisture out), and then break it apart. Pickling salt sticks well to food, so it can be used in place of popcorn salt, which also has fine

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