Reflection Paper In Social Media

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I thought this week was supposed to be my last week in the social media department because as what Ma’am Pinky had said before, we’ll be having a rotation every six days. But just yesterday, she told Sam that Jaren and I will not be moving into another department yet. Since she was busy last night, we decided to just talk to her on Monday to clarify things. Anyway, my 2nd week at Manila Bulletin started last Tuesday afternoon. When I arrived, Ate Angelu had already something for me to do. She asked for my email address and told me she was going to send some files. When I checked it, I saw that it was two recordings of interviews. She then told me to transcribe the two interviews and send it back to her through email. I decided to transcribe…show more content…
And unlike in school, where student journalists or writers are given the freedom to write about anything, and where presenting an idea or topic is much easier to do, in the real world, chances are you’ll get several rejections or revisions before you totally reach the point of writing. Also, you’re very lucky already if your editor is not the kind of newspaper or magazine editor that many are afraid of encountering. I then realized that mass communication students must be further exposed to this kind of scenario – they need to discuss first with their professor what their feature article is really all about. In that way, they will not only get themselves familiarized with how the real world is doing it, but it will also be a lot easier for them to write and finish on time since they planned it out carefully before, and they will not get lost as long as they remember and stick to everything that is included on the

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