Differentiated Care Analysis

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In the Chinese philosophy, the portrayal of Confusion through Kongzi explored the theme of filial piety and family from the five organizing themes, in which one of the ideas presented is the “differentiated care”. Confusion believed that one should care more for and show a moral obligation toward people in our family rather than to a stranger. However, Mozi portrays a different alternative philosophical understanding that contradicted the idea of differentiated care. He advocated “impartial care” or universal love that one should care for others as much as they care for their own parents. He believed caring for one person more than other is destructive that not only lead to bigger issues, but it is also the cause of social distinction in our…show more content…
It allowed a powerful group to attack and deceived those who are weaker. Whereas, impartial care creates a sense of one community where everyone cares for others as much as they care for their own parents. He described that “it is those who are impartial in their dealings with others who are the real cause of all the great benefits in the world” (Van Norden, 2005, p.69). However, we should note that there is a subtle distinction to Mozi’s view on differentiated care. Differentiated care does not mean being indifference or less friendly toward a stranger, but because we do not know them well enough to easily trust or show the same amount of care for everyone. Therefore, it does not mean that we will condemn or express hatred towards strangers. One will still treat strangers and people around them with care and attention, but they will show greater concern for those they are closer to such as their family. Kongzi’s confusion also supported this point that we show a greater concern or care for certain people more such as our parents because they are the first and deepest influence of our moral agency at the most sensitive time of our life. They are the people who influence and shape who we are. Therefore, we should show our respect and fulfill our duty to become a filial piety towards our parents. As a result, it will be difficult for every…show more content…
He argued that if one were to treat other people’s mother as if it’s their own mother, this way of thinking and attitude is actually advocating and honoring filial piety. This way we are then expanding filial piety rather than disregarding it. However, the argument that impartial care is compatible with filial piety can only be a reality if everyone agrees to cooperate and show the same amount of care for a stranger as much as they do for their own mother. This argument is actually difficult and unrealistic to be accomplished in real life. This is because in human nature people tend to show more concern or care for their loved ones rather than to a stranger. We share a stronger bond and form a stronger emotional attachment toward the people we are closer to, so it is natural for us to care more for our family and parents than to a stranger. On the other hand, we can also see that people in the society usually follow the social norm that people will show more care and concern for those in our family compared to our neighbor or a stranger. Therefore, this illustrates that Mozi’s argument is difficult to be implemented into our daily life, as differentiated care is how the majority of people in the society acts, think and conform to the social norm

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