Consensus Vs Decision Making Consensus

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Have you ever felt no one really cares about your opinion on group projects or collaborations with peers? Well arguments are not rare and a way to mitigate disagreements are the decision making consensus. Some people may actually feel relieved that they have a chance to be heard and to be counted to join great ideas with others. While others believe that opinions are not everything since experts could be more experienced on their job and based on statistics and data. Consensus could be a great opportunity to know what people’s thoughts are but experts know what changes and plans are better for the society people live in. People believe consensus are always the solution to every disagreement to be heard by the society. However there are…show more content…
Another exemplification of the negative impact of consensus on the ending result is shown on letters to the editor it states, “Maybe everyone agrees on a that makes no sense at all. Decisions about grade promotions should be made by administrators who have responsibility and experts who have special knowledge.” This evidence confirms that consensus could result on solutions that are simply not logical and could not even be beneficial in solving the problem as well as ending with horrendous solution from non experienced people. Giving people that are not experts to a topic could be like sending a clueless lamb send to a slaughter. Consequently, people who are experts on a topic and have more studies should be in charge of making changes to improve according to data. Hence consensus could end up with people to not have a clue on what they are doing and find a monotonous and unnecessary…show more content…
However consensus are not always the response and in fact be the engenders of unacceptable collaboration in a group. For instance, in “Is Consensus Decision-Making Right for Your Group” it states, “there is a lack or trust among group members.” This evidence substantiates that consensus also requires not only simply speaking out about people’s own opinion without having a trust with the group of people. Another exemplification of negative part of working in a group to find consensus can be seen in the same article “Is Consensus Decision-Making Right for Your Group” it states, “some members do not understand or accept the consensus-seeking process, or argue, bully, or intimidate others.” This confirms how people not only need trust among themselves to come up with a consensus but also become quiet because peers could be threatening them or even bullying them for their own ideas. From this one can infer, that when being part of a consensus it could lead to people being mistreated by other members in their group which results in negatively solutions some even more chosen by being afraid to speak up. Considering this, if people were really being heard for once and being in a group is beneficial then why would people in groups of consensus be bullied and intimidated by others in the same group. As a result, people should not always seek solutions only on

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