Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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What Lies Within Man Why is that we have laws to follow? In William Golding’s novel, the Lord of the Flies, we see that boys were stranded on a deserted island without adults. We see that the instinct to work toward civilization and the instinct to plunge into savagery, violence, and chaos. In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, we see that Jack represents savagery. Savagery is most often found when young children or any person are put in the same position lose the instincts of human ways. Jack one of the young boys who were stranded on the island is very savage, for example, when Jack cannot bare the thought of someone else telling his story about how he killed a pig. Someone must be dominant, and someone else can be picked on. In…show more content…
He picked on Ralph. William Golding suggests in Lord of the Flies that the major cause of man's descent into savagery is loss of civilization, and, more specifically, law. In Golding’s work, we see that the conch represents civilization and order. The importance of the conch however, began to collapse when Jack, who thinks he ought to be the leader because force is on his side, increasingly disregards constitutional forms. Jack continues to ignore both the conch and the rules. “Roger pointed down the unfriendly side. They were there-- by the sea. Jack, recovering, could not bear to have his story be told. He broke in quickly. We spread round. I crept, on hands and knees. The spears fell out because they hadn’t barbs on. The pig ran away and made an awful noise” (74). On their way back to the lagoon, the boys find a small pig tangled in the creepers. Jack raises his knife, but can’t quite bring himself to kill it. After the pig escapes, he says, “Next time there will be no mercy” (33). As a reader, in the
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