Religion In Public Schools Rhetorical Analysis

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The place of religious component in the educational process and in public schools has been an age-old and complex issue. Over the last two centuries the solutions of this issue have been ambiguous and controversial, especially, across the 20th century. Over the aforementioned period religion in public schools either has been protected or struck down by legislation and the Courts. All that having been said, these transformations have not lead to unique and permanent solutions, and the compromises achieved not easily. Religious component of the educational process, as well as religious expression in public schools are becoming more challenging issue with the society getting more diverse in the U.S., compared to homogenous colonies of the mid or late 18th century. This diverse society requires new models of interaction between religion and public schools for the safety and unity of the Nation. This new model should be inclusive of religious studies and expressions, as well as any secular and democratic values, to educate and form democratic and whole citizens. “Civic public schools” model, proposed by Haynes (2011), likely to provide this new model that encompasses the basic concepts of religion right,…show more content…
In this rhetoric the voice of atheist is undermined. In retrospect, history of religion and religious expression in public schools shows that the ideas that once seemed unshakeable have changed or debunked completely over the time. For example, the Scopes trial, which demonstrates that once triumphant Christian fundamentalists were defeated over the time. Similarly, the atheists or opponents of the phrase “Under God” may win the case in future and the argument subject will be changed in
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