Santiago Marlin Quotes

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The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway tells the struggles of an old man and his unluckiness when it comes to catching a fish. Throughout the novel, Santiago embarks on a life changing fishing trip that changes how he views his losses; nor to let his losses stop him from trying again. Hemingway builds Santiago up as someone who remains neutral to his losses and does not show his wavered confidence in himself. Santiago can be destroyed and beat down, but he cannot be defeated. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway takes place in Cuba in the 1940’s. The novel follows the struggles of Santiago, the old man as he tries to catch a marlin. Santiago experiences unluckiness for eighty four days where he cannot catch a fish. On the eighty…show more content…
He claims the fish are not as intelligent as we who kill, but they are nobler and more able, (63). Santiago has caught two huge fish in his lifetime, but he never did it alone. This time Santiago is alone with a huge marlin out in the middle of the sea. Santiago, soon begins to doubt himself and his capabilities of catching the marlin by himself. He starts to wish for the boy, Manolin to be with him, to help him. He regrets going so far out without company. At the end of the book Santiago is finally strong enough and has enough will left to kill the marlin with his harpoon. He then has to fight off sharks that attack the boat due to the marlin’s blood. After, sadly losing the precious marlin meat to the sharks, Santiago makes it back to his shack where he sleeps away the night. He is then reconnected with Manolin, who agrees to fish with Santiago once more. Santiago returns to sleep where he dreams of the lions on the beach of…show more content…
The source is great for learning more about the multiple themes used in the novel and the way symbolism was used. Gregory Stephens and Janice Cools write, “Structurally The Old Man and the Sea is a three-part sea story: departure, journey, and return or entry to a new world. The story also loosely follows the three-part structure of a rite of passage: separation, the liminal or in-between phase, and re-integration.” Without reading this source I would have never thought of the novel in this manner. The source relates the novel in a way that everyone can connect to it. The critics do speak the novel in a more negative way but they still shed some light of concepts the readers may have missed. This source is useful because it helps the readers determine how they perceive the novel and how they can relate themselves to it. The source is called Out Too Far, this makes the readers think about how if Santiago had not gone out so far he may have not caught a fish, but he may have been able to catch the fish the first day he

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