Miriam Defensor Santiago Analysis

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Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago is one of the aspiring presidential candidates in the Philippine Election. Although she placed last in almost all of the nationwide surveys conducted by Pulse Asia, with ratings ranging from 2% to 4% only. According to ABS-CBN, she is tied with Senator Grace Poe at the third most talked about candidate in social media. It could be inferred that since majority of social media users are millennial, Miriam Defensor Santiago is popular in the youth demographic. She topped numerous mock elections in different universities and colleges, including De La Salle University-Manila, UP Manila, UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and many more. Everyone knows why she consistently placed last…show more content…
She was able to relate to the masses by not only showing her professional side to the public. She also showed her real personality by showing her comedic side, how she acts at home and her influence that she gained doing things outside her job. She isconsidered a celebrity for her famous one-liners and witty banters where sense of humor is almost absent among politicians, but Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago is a true exception for this. Because of this, she is considered by the Philippines’s as a celebrity icon, not just a politician. In fact, she won “Celebrity Mother of the Year Award”. Including the “Celebrity Mother of the Year Award”, she earned more than 10 awards in her lifetime. Examples of these awards are the Magsaysay Award of Government Service, and Philippine Judges’ Hall of Fame. Asia Magazine also declared her as the “Iron Lady of Asia”. She removed the title “The Fake Passport Capital of the World” away from the Philippines through her strict implementation and leadership. In 1997, the Australian magazine named her one of "The 100 Most Powerful Women in the World." In later years, Miriam was keynote speaker of the international anticorruption conference in Sydney, Australia. As senator, she sponsored and secured ratification by the Philippine Senate of the UN Convention Against Corruption.Miriam has turned into a popular culture figure, and supporters consider her a legend in Philippine politics. She creates a stir when she goes to trade exhibit or malls, making fans whip out their cellphones and go on a selfie frenzy. No other politician in the Philippines,

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