Wendy Williams Case Study

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Interview Wendy M. Williams Professor & Director, Cornell Institute for Women in Science Department of Human Development Cornell University Ithaca, New York By Sharmila Chand Wendy M. Williams is Professor in the Department of Human Development at Cornell University, where she studies the development, assessment, training, and societal implications of intelligence. She holds Ph.D. and Master's degrees in Psychology from Yale University, a Master's in Physical Anthropology from Yale, and a B.A. in English and Biology from Columbia University. In the fall of 2009, Williams founded (and now directs) the ‘Cornell Institute for Women in Science (CIWS),’ a National Institute of Health-funded Research and Outreach Center that studies and…show more content…
There has been a perception that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields are male bastions and do not welcome women applicants. Several studies done by experts in the field have concluded that there is the visible scarcity of female faculty in science departments. Wendy M. Williams and Stephen Ceci as Co-Directors of the Cornell Institute For Women In Science, have spent lot of time in the past seven years researching sexism in STEM fields. According to their latest study, they say women are no longer at a disadvantage when applying for tenure-track positions in university science departments. They in fact add that the bias has now flipped: Female candidates are now twice as likely to be chosen as equally qualified men. So our question is : Is STEM finally becoming friendlier to women? Wendy and Stephen say a big ‘Yes’. In this interview, Wendy shares insights about the subject. She reiterates the fact that women candidates should not feel sidelined at all and consider this a good time to start an academic…show more content…
Thus, our experimental findings ratify the real-world data after we control for applicant strength. We cannot be positive as to the causes of this pro-female hiring advantage (perhaps it is due to male faculty internalizing the value of having female colleague sot help mentor female students and serve as role models). Having stated this conclusion, we nevertheless would caution young women (and men) to expect the academy to be a challenging place, regardless of how welcoming it may be at the point of hiring. In our decade-long program of research on this topic while we have found that academia is mostly gender-fair (salaries, job satisfaction, promotion are mainly equivalent for men and women), there are corners where sexism persists (e.g., it is somewhat harder for women to get tenure in biology and psychology; teaching ratings of women are biased downward compared to the same lecture given by a man), but these are the exceptions, not the rule. So, we would tell them that this is a good time to start an academic career and that they can look forward to a fulfilling and well-remunerated life, but that it is also challenging—for both sexes. Nothing is easy about it and there are far fewer tenure-track jobs available than there are

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