Role Of Society In Fahrenheit 451

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Doomed Society of Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is about a book-burning society that is inhumane, depressed, and they don’t know it. Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 with the intention of showing the reader the signs of a society doomed to self destruct. In Fahrenheit 451, the government controls everything. They brainwashed the people to think books are bad. “So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life…” (Bradbury 85). The government doesn’t want the people to know the truth. The books show the truth, and if people read, they’d get smart, and when they get smart, they’ll realize they aren’t happy, and that their way of living is horrible and they would blame the government. They definitely…show more content…
People run over each other for fun. Montag was running and thought a car was a cop, It was chasing him and he was running, and he almost got run over. He fell and he realized it was just a bunch of kids and teens in the car that was trying to run him over, and he heard lots of laughter indicating that they were having “fun”. Those kids probably didn’t even know it was Montag and that he was a fugitive, they just run over anyone they see on the street even if they don’t know them, for a form of entertainment. This leads to entertainment in violent television. All of this violence leads further into people thinking that killing and death is ok. This thought gets to the people thinking that the war that’s going on is ok, and that they wouldn’t even care to stop the war. Humanity is really lost in the story when Montag watches the Mechanical Hound kill criminals for entertainment. The loss of humanity causes the government to act this way, to maintain order in society. The government put on the hunting of Montag on television and publicized it. Dozens of people watched Montag being hunted and then a fake Montag being killed. All of this was done for entertainment and they don’t think that it’s wrong in any way. All of these actions are very inhumane and leads to the oblivion of the city. They don’t care for each other and think death is normal, and since they think it is ok, they don’t bother ending the war or doing anything about it.…show more content…
Firstly, she spends her days watching the parlor walls. “His wife in the parlor wall paused long enough from reading her script to glance up ‘hey’ she said. ‘the man’s thinking!’” (Bradbury 23). That shows that she wouldn’t even care to talk to her husband. Another example is that when Montag wasn’t feeling good, he asked her to turn off the wall, she pretended to turn it off but did nothing. That shows that she’s always watching the parlor walls, and that’s all she does. She’s so connected to it that she wouldn’t even care to turn it off for her sick husband. Watching the parlor walls causes isolation, and that causes and leads to depression. It causes isolation because all she does is watch the walls and she does not interact with anyone. Secondly, she overdoses on pills. “‘You took all the pills in your bottle last night.’ ‘oh I wouldn’t do that’” (page 23). She’s in denial that she overdosed on pills and doesn’t realize that she’s actually really depressed because all she does is watch the parlor walls and listen to her seashells and people in this society like Mildred don’t realize that they’re depressed but they actually are. Because she watches the parlor walls and listens to sea shells, she doesn’t have the opportunity to realize her actual feelings. Society doesn’t realize it because they are always doing something, the government isn’t letting them have free time to even think about their feelings.

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