Syntax And Informal Diction In John Donne

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Like any other great English poet, John Donne meticulously chooses his words to convey his message in his acclaimed Holy Sonnet 10, a Petrarchan sonnet which displays Donne’s attitude and opinion towards Death. Not only does Donne utilize specific words, but he also uses syntax and tone to accurately illustrate Death. In the beginning of the poem, Donne’s informal diction is exhibited by telling Death he should “be not proud” (1). Donne shows Death that he is not as “Mighty and dreadful”(2) as “though some have called thee” (1). Through these first two lines of the poem, it is inferred that Donne’s informality diction is credited to his familiarity with Death. Donne sets himself apart from society by indirectly claiming he knows Death more

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