Pros And Cons Of Free Health Care

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As a recent report from The World Health Organization (WHO), it shows that 400 million people around the world do not have access to essential health services. Therefore, in the debate over free health care, some people believe that it is an inhumane action to turn away somebody who is in need of medical treatment simply because they don’t have enough money. Although, others claimed that if health care is free, it will cause negative effects to the country’s economy. In my opinion, health care should not be just free for everyone without any conditions or protection terms. Some people suggest that every country should provide free health care for their people. As McClanahan, a PhD in finance, mentions that “Providing basic health care…show more content…
One of the disadvantages of free health care is the tax problem. Even though the term of universal health care is free, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay anything at all. It means that people actually have to pay for the free medical care in the form of taxes. And the government has to raise taxes from every citizen in the country in order to make free health care possible to proceed. Consequently, this can be a problem for the citizens’ livelihood since they have to pay for tax for this system besides the usual taxes. Also, it is unfair for some people who have to pay health care for someone who they aren’t even related to and did not work at all. Another negative impact of universal health care is loss of morality. For instance, some people will take advantage of free health care, and don’t care about their health or tend to act risky which can lead to some serious injuries. This can lead to a greater spending on the health care system. As a result, the government will have to provide less quality health care treatment in order to sustain the country’s health care budget. Which means that people will be able to access to certain services instead of the full service that they were able to get before. As Arnold Kling, a PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, states that “In theory, everyone has access. In practice, however, too many people wait for care and too many people receive low-quality care.” (Kling, 2009)Lastly, the primary disadvantage of free health care is lack of competition. It’s is true that competition is a major factor in creating new innovations. And it is known that budgets of universal health care are controlled by the government itself. This can leads to a decrease of new innovations and development of the countries. For instance, the United States, which does not have any free health care service,

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