Role Of Information System In Globalization

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Role of Information System in Business Transformation and Globalization Introduction In general, information system is the combination of hardware and software that helps in planning and decision making in the organization. Information system is an application of information technology. This is used to support the functions and activities of the business firm. It helps in merging capital, raw materials and labors in to one and helps them produce results. In today’s world information system is considered a key as it stores the information and distributes them to the organization. Information system if the collection of technical as well as manual resources that help in storage, distribution and communication of the required information to the…show more content…
Mobile and web is used to send information effectively. With the improvement in the technology, different sectors have been affected. The organization itself, economies, society and individual itself are effected due o the current improve in the information system. The system that information system provides supports the organizational operations. It is needed for the new product research and development. It is also needed for the customer relation and peruse of the market competitors. Information system brings a whole new way to deal with things, any the market competition. It brings new way to interact with people and customers and bring new organizational structure. The work places are designed accordingly these…show more content…
The increase in technology also boosted world economics as well from 1990 (Frakas-Conn, 1999). The development has facilitated the economy and all sectors of it. The information technological advancement has helped in producing new products, ideas and network among the people. It has been providing new channels and information effectively and efficiently. The growth in technology has increased the living standard of the people. It is also making the life of people easier and much efficient. It is said that the information system have made people aware of different things. They now do thing in a timely manner. It has made communication easier and the modern technology helps in spreading information

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