Why The World Isn T Flat By Pankaj Ghemawat

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The ongoing debate of globalization is a dominant one in the political and economic world. This phenomenon includes increased trade, finance and information across state borders. Globalization has influenced the national market since the late 1970s and the information technology revolution has been important in simplifying globalization and has also had an effect on political economic systems. The two sides of this debate consist of those who think that national political economies will converge and those who think they will not. These two sides argue on how market institutions respond to external pressures and the role of the government in negotiating effects on national market institutions. (Barma and Vogel, 483). In chapter 3 of Mark Kessselman’s The Politics of Globalization, the author includes two excerpts from other works to enforce just how complex the debate is, and how important the stakes are. The first scholar he presents is Thomas L. Friedman through…show more content…
He said that ideas will disperse across borders, developing countries will have access to information that was once unavailable to the industrial world, many people will learn things that once only a leaders knew, and small companies will produce what only big companies once could. In these ways, globalization is a very democratic and liberating balance between the developed and the developing. We are living in a world that is no longer a group of isolated nations that are separated by tariffs, poor communications and animosity. We live in a world that is increasingly wired, well informed and according to Thomas Friedman, “flat”. This is a very appealing idea and globalization is more than just a great economic and political transformation, it’s a growing

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