Climate Change In Agriculture

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In developing countries, Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important food crop grown. It is the staple food for the largest number of people in the world, as it is eaten by half of the world’s population. The Philippines is the eighth largest producer of rice, contributing to Asia’s production which comprises ninety percent (90%) of total rice produced in the world. Rice area harvested by 2010 was 4.4 million ha out of the 5.4 million ha of arable land in the country (Global Rice Science Partnership, 2013). Due to the rising temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns, climate change is expected to have direct and indirect effects on crop yields. According to the analysis of Nelson et al., (2009), climate change will have a negative effect…show more content…
This project, through the funding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), intends to develop varieties of rice that can withstand different environmental stresses and provide sustainable yield at the same time. Different GSR varieties have been tested in the Philippines and throughout Asia, and the results have been positive. Under extreme environmental conditions, these advanced varieties were tested and it produced higher yield and increased net income per hectare compared to the check variety (Yorobe et al., 2014). This shows that through Green Super Rice, we can secure rice production and lessen poverty and hunger in the country, even with climate change. Even though the adaptability of rice to climate change is in sight due to the development of prolific GSR varieties that are drought-tolerant, salinity-tolerant, and submergence-tolerant, rice farmers have other problems that researchers must address. One of the problems that most farmers encounter, especially the resource-poor, is the high input use and production cost in the…show more content…
The impact will include soil degradation, water shortages, increased flood and droughts and possible increases in pest and diseases. In a study conducted by Peng, et al. (2004), it was mentioned that for every 1 CO increase in growing-season minimum temperature during dry season, rice yield decreases by 10%. Nguyen (n.d.) reported that climate change could lead to significant changes in land and water resources for rice production. He also added that changes in rainfall patterns may lead to higher frequency of drought and intense flooding that will affect rice productivity. Green Super Rice (GSR) As early as 1998, rice varieties that could withstand multiple abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and submergence through introgression breeding efforts were selected at IRRI (Yorobe, Jr. et al., 2014). Ali et al. (2013) stated that through the Green Super Rice (GSR) breeding strategy, cultivars that are high yielding under stressed and normal conditions have been developed. These varieties are more adaptable to changing weather conditions, providing stability to resource poor rice

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