Role Of Ideology In Pakistan

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GROUP ASSIGNMENT # 1 SUBJECT: Pak Studies GROUP MEMBERS: Aniqa Safdar (SP17-BBA-B-020) Saba Mehmood (SP17-BBA-B-080) Nageen Tahir (SP17-BBA-B-065) TOPIC: What role students can play to promote ideology of Pakistan among younger generation? LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSON: 3 October 2017 SUBMITTED TO: Professor Dr. Muhammad Illyas IDEOLOGY: It is systematic concept of human’s life and culture or it is an unrealistic or idealistic nature of a person. Ideology gives identity within society and groups to other people because it is different from others. It is a set of political beliefs, attitudes and specific ideas of an individual or group which reflects the way of someone’s thinking, acting and viewing the whole world in different scenario. It is thoughts of an individual or group to make a new social system. IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: Pakistan is an Islamic state and its ideology based on Islamic ideology. So it is clear that Pakistan’s ideology and Islamic ideology are same and it is an ideological state. Islam is a complete guidance for Muslims and an all-embracing…show more content…
Today, our generation is divided in racism. We are not only Baloch, Sindhi, Pathan, Punjabi or even Urdu speaking. We are belonging to one state, Pakistan and only one religion that is “Islam”, which give us a lesson of unity. Students try to end the racial and racism among youth because it is not our ideology. This proved also the second principle of Quid-e-Azam which is also based on unity. It is clear from the above discussion that unity is a base of our ideology and there is also no racism in

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