Examples Of Transnational Actors

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Since the 19th century the number, density and intensity of connections between different actors on the world stage across a multitude of countries has incessantly increased, resulting not only in the creations of international organizations (e.g. the United Nations) or supranational organizations (e.g. the European Union), but also in the emergence of transnational actors and consequently, transnational interactions, defined as the interaction involving at least one non-state or non-international organization actor. Example of transnational actors are NGOs, like Greenpeace and for-profit companies, like Shell. As the pace of globalization does not seem slowing down, scholars have started to look into the most suitable approaches and theories…show more content…
International organizations tend to reflect the most powerful states’ interests. Even though realists, of course recognize that TAs have an influence, it is neglectable compared to the one of states. The opposite approach is the one of the liberalists. They have a far less pessimistic view of world politics. This vision is laid out in Kant’s Perpetual Peace, where democratic states, thanks to international institutions and trade can cooperate peacefully. Liberalists, therefore leave space for political manoeuvre to other players than states. It follows that for liberalists, TAs have certainly a more important role in shaping states and international organizations’ interests. Between these two theories we could place institutionalism, which entails states struggling for survival in an anarchic system; nonetheless institutionalists believe that international organizations have a key role in facilitating cooperation among…show more content…
The decisional power corresponds to the ability of influencing decision-making. The level of decisional power is given by factors such as expertise about a certain field and reputation. The discursive power is the most “constructivist” of the elements. It consists in the ability of giving (new) meaning to certain issues or phenomena in a way to further one’s agenda. Lastly, the regulatory power is the ability of creating rules or modifying the existing ones. Decisional and regulatory power can be mostly associated with lobbies and epistemic communities, while discursive power is more connected to advocacy groups. Nonetheless, every TA possess different levels of each of these
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