Sohar Aluminium Case Analysis

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Introduction Sohar Aluminium is the leading aluminium smelter industry in the Sultanate of Oman. It was formed in September, 2014 and owned jointly by Abi Dhabi Energy Company PJSC - TAQA ,Rio Tinto and Oman Oil Company. Sohar Aluminium is located in the Al Batinah Region of Oman. Ever since it was formed, the company holds a significant position in the manufacturing sector in Oman. The company seems to show its responsibility to the stake holders in particular and the society in general. The core value of the company contains each and every action by the company in its operation. So, Sohar Aluminium is all pledged to maintain business management ethics and it is committed to execute diversity management programme in this regard. Many…show more content…
2007). It should be done through the conceptual interference of the key players of the company and in line with the vision and mission statement of the company. A comprehensive business ethics regulation helps to execute the code of conduct in the company with full compliance of company policies. Any company which enforce code of conduct and ethics will fetch maximum quality participation from employees. For this purpose, the firm needs to have a complete and final document of code of conduct before it is going to be officially launched company wide. However, the way the code of conduct is prepared and finalized may vary to company to company. Most of the times, it is drafted by the compliance officer and the presented to the board and other executive bodies of the firm to get it approved. The code of conduct should reflect the firm’s spirit and culture. It is also important that the code of conduct is satisfactory to the staff in order to ensure their maximum input in the compliances of the…show more content…
Firms can have great deal of harm that can be done to an organization’s status by illegal or inappropriate conduct (Park et al., 2011). A well furbished code of conduct should be placed in the business etiquette to prevent this possible threat. These norms should par with the legal codes and the public interest. Firms add values also in the code of conduct in order to facilitate a detailed outline of procedures for handling questions about compliance or ethical issues. It gives the best reporting mechanism, ensuring chain of command. In the case of necessary communication, any employee can approach his or her supervisor, and the supervisor can go to the department manager and the chain goes till the top executive officer. All these steps should be defined in the code of conduct. Proper training and professional support for the individual staff members will give the employees power to face the threats against the stated values in the code of

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