Analysis Of Porphyro And Angela's Life

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Jack Stillinger explains this situation in another way. He not only gives blame to Porphyro but also Madeline because Porphyro’s trick of seduction is made possible by Madeline's own commitment to the superstitious ritual of St. Agnes' Eve. He sees her dream world as bad not in itself, but because it cuts her off from reality, allowing her to be raped by Porphyro. Keats creates an imagery dream world to Madeline where she becomes "Blissfully haven'd both from joy and pain" (240), “Blinded alike from sunshine and from rain, / As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again” (242-243). If she has no pain or rain in such a world, she also has no joy or sunshine (Wiener, 1980, p. 123). Porphyro moves from the role of passive child to active…show more content…
She hides him in a closet because of his protection from the forthcoming danger. Keats not only highlights the issue of Porphyro’s intention of coming to Madeline’s castle, but also sharpens the focus of two opposing forces: fear and courage, escape and setup as well as death and life. In Madeline's chamber they approve the dream and reality of their love. Then the happy lovers escape together into the storm, into uncertain and changeable life, idealizing their love of earthly happiness. In this stanza, Keats portrayals a series of pretty pictures very beautifully which makes it a rich Romantic tapestry due to this, the richness of its imagery and its rhythmic magnificence are unforgettable. There are many pretty pictures like the Beadsman praying in his chapel, Porphyro entering the castle, Porphyro and Angela sitting by the fireplace, Madeline and Angela meeting on the stairs, Madeline undressing in her bedchamber, Madeline praying before she gets into bed, Porphyro setting out the banquet and Porphyro and Madeline creeping out of the castle. Not only this, in the beginning of the first stanza, the poem is also full of with pictures like effects, an overview of the wintry scene outside of the castle with owl, hare, and silent flock of sheep. This story is framed by images of freezing cold and death. The opening stanzas describe the bitter chill of St. Agnes' Eve and the suffering of animals and humans and the closing stanzas describe an icy storm, nightmares, and the deaths of both Angela and the

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